Photograph Your Fears


  1. 1. I think the fear trying to be addressed in this project was the fear of being ignored or left
    2. I think this picture was successful at conveying the fear or being ignored because it was like someone was trying to write their goodbye and somebody else just crumbled the paper like it was nothing and as if they just did not care at all that the person was saying goodbye.
    3.I love how they used contrast to darken the pictures colors but also made the back of the picture extremely dark to capture the sad/emotional feelings they were feeling.
    4. I honestly would not change anything about this specific picture.

  2. I believe that this photo shows the fear of being left behind or forgotten. This fear is accurately represented because the word "goodbye" on the crumpled piece of paper creates a feeling of loneliness. I like the use of the dark lighting to create an eerie feel to the photo and the contrast between the paper and background. I would not change much in this photo except for maybe adding more to the letter to further tell the story behind the picture.

  3. 1. Being forgotten or left.
    2. It is successful because the crumpled paper shows people leaving her.
    3. Lots of contrast.
    4. Wouldn't change anything.


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