The Power of Internet Images

Based solely on the photographs she posted, I believe that the image that Jenny is trying to project is adventurous, courageous, fun, traveler, and daring.

I think she was successful in conveying those ideas because the photos portray the part of her that likes to take risks and travel around the world, visiting all sorts of new places.

I believe that Jenny could be a good role model because she would be inspiring to those who are nervous to step out of their comfort zone. I'm not sure if she would be a good mother because there isn't enough to base it off of. It goes hand in hand with the last response. She would be the person to encourage her children to try new things and explore life but I don't have enough to determine whether she would be a good mother or not. Based on these pictures, it doesn't seem like Jenny would be a good neighbor since she's always traveling and doesn't seem to be home much. She could be a good friend but I feel that she is a fast-paced kind of person, which requires someone who can keep up with her lifestyle. I also notice that she doesn't follow anyone else.


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