1st Semester Reflection

Part 1:
     I think the quality of my work throughout the first semester has definitely improved. In the beginning of the year, I already had previous knowledge of photography but as we did assignments, I learned more about the subjects of my photos and expanding on what I was already given. I do feel that I have also improved on the technical side of photography due to my better understanding of different aspects such as composition and focus. My ability to fulfill the assignments has been an important part of the first semester. I grew from doing just enough to being able to fully use my creativity and expand further past the requirements of the projects. I have also been more careful with turning in my projects in the proper format in order to present my best work.  I think the lesson that I have learned from the most was not to always go with my first idea. With this in mind, I was able to come up with better ideas for projects that I would have never thought of if I just stuck to my initial idea. Overall, I think that my quality of work has been good this semester.
     My effort in this class has grown throughout the semester. When I am given photography projects, I spend as much time as I can coming up with multiple ideas for it and then I go and take as many photos as I can in order to get what I want. I typically try to come up with something different that not a lot of people would immediately think of. I try to not rely on others and the internet for ideas but rather take different aspects that I like from multiple sources and come up with something that is my own. I put a lot of effort into my photography because it is my way of expressing things. Photography has always been an interest of mine and with all of my projects, whether inside or outside of this class, I try to always put my best forward. Of course when I put my best forward, I always take more photos than I'm required to. Over the years that I've been doing photography, I have learned that the perfect shot is rare and there is a better chance of getting it when you have a lot to choose from. This knowledge has made it easier for me in this class and I am always able to make the index requirement. I don't avoid photographic ideas that have difficult aspects because I know that if I am able to do it and overcome the difficulties, I will be able to improve my skills and be better. If a shot is hard to take, I don't give up because of the same reason, and I try different approaches to it. I typically don't take many risks but there have been some moments where I have on a creative side. I always look at other's work and my own with a positive attitude, focusing on what could be improved rather than what I don't like. 
     I have always been on time to class and I spend my time wisely. Although I do work on work from other classes from time to time, it is only because I am done with all of my assignments or if I know that I have the time necessary to finish my project on time.  I do work independently most of the time because it makes it easier for me to stay on task and complete it on time.
     I honestly still don't know who I am as a photographer but I know that I have definitely grown. I have improved on my technical skills by getting a better grasp on the whole process of photography, including the editing part. I do believe that my composition is also better because I now understand how a subject and its placement can change how people perceive it. I have been trying to work on more compelling images but I do feel that some of my photos have had a good point of interest that gets the viewer's attention. My confidence has grown in photography over the first semester as I learn more and do more projects.
     In the second semester, I will try to think outside of the box more in order to capture something unique and add my own touch to it.

Part 2:
I suggest doing more shooting assignments outside of the class so that we can get more practice and experience.


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