Cubism Questions

1. First he would've had to choose a location that provided an interesting subject.
2. McNally would have probably taken a photo of a specific area that he found to be fitting.
3. After choosing a specific area, he probably then took multiple photos of that area, focusing on the most attention grabbing parts. In his photo, he focused on the people, the signs, and buildings of the street.
4. After gathering all the photos he needed to make the bigger picture, he composited them together, referring to the initial photo of the area.

How many photographs do you think were used in the composition?
- I think that he used about 30 photos.

Were all of the photos taken at the same time of day?
- I don't think they were. The reflections in the window of the building in the foreground show a bright and clear day while the reflection in the window of the building in the back show a darker sky indicating that it was later in the day.

Are there any obvious post-processing (Photoshop) enhancements?
- The grain around the photo was probably edited in. The most obvious enhancement is the composition of course.

Any other considerations?
- The photos were also probably taken with different settings in order to change the look of the image.


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