Letter to the Past

Dear Michelle,
     You're about to face an entire year of constant challenges. You'll have your ups and downs in this class, but you'll learn so much throughout the year. In order to be successful in this class, you have to be able to think outside of the box. Yes, although some ideas are based on something you've seen before or something you've heard of, always try to put your own twist to it. When you have shooting projects, do something that you truly are proud of and something that truly came from you, not someone else. Spend more time putting your ideas into action. Trial and error is the best way to learn and grow. Life may get busy but don't forget about any projects and put 100% of yourself into it.
Here's an example of one of your best works:
I consider this one to be successful because it fulfilled the assignment, triptychs, but it also allowed my creativity to show. I've always wanted to do something with smoke in my photography and this project gave me that opportunity. After much trial and error with the smoke balls, I managed to get some photos that I'm really proud of. With a little editing of colors and saturation, the images came together to make this. If I were to do anything differently, I'd maybe try adding a person into these images somehow to add a sense of mystery and fun. It's something I would like to try one day.


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