What Art? 1

1.) The mood of the first image is calm and serene, almost like the calm before a storm. The woman in the first image has a straight face except it looks like she is grimacing. Her posture is straight and it is clear that she is standing or sitting but not slouching in any way. The mood of the second image is seductive in a sense, but kind of uncomfortable. The woman's expression is almost blank but her eyes have a sense of desire or trying to pull the viewer in in some way.Her posture tells us she is possibly leaning against a wall with her head tilted back.

2.) I think the first image was created with oil paints while the second one was photoshopped. The first image is completely covered with brush strokes while in the second image, the lady's hair and the background is realistic while the rest of her is "painted".

3.) The blue in the first image adds to the serene feeling of the image and the red makes it seem more serious. The red in the second image adds to the luring mood of the woman's expression. The colors in each do accentuate the mood that is given off in each image.

4.) I think the artist is trying to convey the different sides of a woman? He/She was probably trying to evoke an emotional response, getting the viewer to feel the same way as the people in the images do. I think it the effort was successful because one look at the images attracts your attention and gets you to feel what the artist wants you to feel.


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